The Do’s and Don’ts for getting an offline client – Top 15 Strategies - Welcome To PgeJoint

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Friday 9 June 2017

The Do’s and Don’ts for getting an offline client – Top 15 Strategies

 getting an offline client
You might get a lot of online clients, but learn to be if you want an offline client. Clients are always looking for the best deal, so you should never underestimate a client in your business. In fact they will teach you a lot of important stuff without any fees. You should just observe, learn, implement and be patient. A client will always test your patience and temper. You should be more careful if your work is related to SEO, web designing. The reason for this is, these services are long term based, and also very effective in their business growth.

Getting an Offline Client, the do’s and don’ts:

When you are meeting a client, make sure to follow some mandatory guidelines. We listed out few important do’s and don’ts while talking to a client. Read them carefully and start implementing them right now.
Give your Wishes:
Make sure to greet your clients as soon as you meet them. You can start with Good morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, How are you sir?, etc. This will leave a good impression on your behavior and professionalism.
Be Focused: 
You should always be very focused about your task. Do not deviate with unwanted thoughts or what to do imaginations. Just stay calm and revise what to talk.
Be Patient: 
Most of us lose our patience while talking to a client. It’s obvious that your client will test your patience before signing a contract. So be smart in taking the test to be patient. Never throw things hard on tables or kick anything hard. Let’s just say you’re always being monitored.
Listen Attentively:
You should always nod your head when your client is talking to you. This confirms that you’re paying attention to him or her.
Be Patient In Getting a Offline Client
Don’t take any calls:
Make sure to keep your phone in silent or vibrate mode, specially when talking to a client. It’s quite unprofessional if your phone keeps ringing and beeping during a conversation.
Never make Fake Promises:
Make sure you never make fake promises to your client. If you can’t give your 100% to any new service, let your client know about it. Don’t ever take the risk of accepting new services. Have the guts to tell your client the truth. You will surely gain his trust the next time.
Know your Client:
If you are meeting a client, make sure you know their company. Find out what you think you can work on. Never tell them what they have, always tell what they don’t have and what can be done to achieve it. This will realize that you are concerned about them and their company.
Make notes:
Make sure to write down the requirements mentioned by your client. This shows the discipline and  dedication on your work. It would be better if you note them down in a book or diary. This will give your client a positive impression about your working skills.
Be Patient In Getting a Offline Client
Never Compare:
Don’t ever compare your existing client with past clients. Even if it a similar project or work, you should never mention your past works with your new client. You never knew who are their competitors and friends. Discretion is key here.
Never Mention the Rates:
You should never talk about pricing in the beginning conversations. You can always wait for your client to ask this question. If you keep mum until the right time, sooner or later you will be offered a very good deal without even opening your mouth.
Communicate Friendly:
If your clients doesn’t communicate in English, make them comfortable by speaking their preferred language. There is never a rule to communicate only in English. Talk to them in a friendly yet professional manner with a big smiling face.
24/7 Support:
Give your client 24/7 customer support. Be patient in solving their problems and finish it as soon as possible. This shows your love towards work and clients.
Be Patient In Getting a Offline Client
Give Discounts: 
Give your client a special offer which they cannot refuse. Offer different discount prices even if they have not asked for it. But make sure you have some profits in it.
Deliver in Time:
Once you promise a date, make sure to deliver it on time. Never extend deadlines unless absolutely unavoidable. This will put you and your company profile in risk. Remember that clients have big network, one bad word of mouth can ruin your reputation.
Take them out: 
Offer a cup of coffee, lunch or hangout with your client. This will make them to feel as if they are one among you.
These are the few simple tactics for getting an offline client. These all strategies we observed in our client meetings and fetch you 100% results when applied. A good word from your client is very important in your freelancing business. Make sure you never lose them with simple mistakes and improper behavior. If you feel this article is missing something, please drop us a line below.

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