s3x can be a lot of fun, but it can also cause some unwanted side
effects. Whenever you become that intimate with another person, your
body is bound to have a reaction, and sometimes that can result in some
skin problems from having s3x. Some are temporary and harmless, while
others come in the form of an STI, but either way, they can seem pretty
alarming if you're not aware of what they are. It shouldn't scare you
off from ever hitting the sheets, but knowing what can happen to your
skin post-intercourse can help you take the proper precautions to make
sure you're protecting yourself and your skin.

"Prolonged skin to skin contact and sweat and friction under intimate
circumstances can lead to skin issues," says dermatologist Kally
Papantoniou, MD FAAD over email. There's a lot happening during s3x
that can make your skin go awry, whether it's on your face, your vagina,
or some other part of your body, so it's no surprise that there's
sometimes a reaction.
Practicing safe s3x is a good way to begin looking out for your skin, but other issues just occur as a result of all that movement between the sheets. Here are nine skin problems you can get from having s3x.
"If your vagina feels itchy or irritated immediately after s3x and you
used a latex condom, you may have a latex allergy," says dermatologist
Dr. Ava Shamban over email. "Solve this by using hydrocortisone cream
and by switching contraception methods. You may also have an allergy to
lubricant. Switch to an organic, chemical-free lubricant instead."
"If your vagina feels itchy or irritated immediately after s3x and you used a latex condom, you may have a latex allergy," says dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban over email. "Solve this by using hydrocortisone cream and by switching contraception methods. You may also have an allergy to lubricant. Switch to an organic, chemical-free lubricant instead."
" Vaginal yeast infections can also occur, causing itching and a cheesy discharge," says Shamban. A yeast infection isn't s3xually transmitted, but it can occur after s3x due to changes in the skin or if your partner is infected.
Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and are soft growths that appear on the genitals, according to healthline.com. "Fewer people these days let their pubic hair grow very long, which means people are more likely to get genital warts because there is more direct skin-to-skin contact due to less hair being in the way," says dermatologist David Lortscher, MD over email. The HPV vaccine Gardasil can help protect you from the most common HPV strains that cause genital warts, along with wearing a condom.
Although s3x can actually help your complexion by improving blood circulation, it can also cause breakouts between the friction, sweat, and other oils. "Sweat alone does not cause acne, but sweat can mix with makeup, bacteria, oils and other impurities on your skin," says RealSelf contributor and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Sejal Shah over email. "If the skin is not cleansed, this mixture can settle into your pores, clogging them and leading to acne." Keeping your skin clean after s3x can help prevent breakouts. If you can't shower, consider using a cleansing wipe instead.
"Herpes can be easily transmitted during s3x, and most often will occur on genitals and oral locations but can occur on other parts of the body," says Papantoniou. "To prevent this, use protection with partners, and optimally have testing for STDs prior."
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
"Allergic contact dermatitis can occur if you are sensitive to cologne or body sprays being used by either partner," says Papantoniou. "This will show up 1-3 days later and will present as an itchy rash in areas of contact." This one can't always be avoided if you're not aware of what your partner is wearing, but it will go away, and hydrocortisone can be applied for relief, according to webmd.com.
Irritant Dermatitis
You can also get skin irritation from the rubbing of short hairs on the body or face. "This happens from friction with short sharp hairs," says Papatoniou. "Either shave closely before contact or allow the hairs to grow longer to prevent irritation."
Practicing safe s3x is a good way to begin looking out for your skin, but other issues just occur as a result of all that movement between the sheets. Here are nine skin problems you can get from having s3x.

"If your vagina feels itchy or irritated immediately after s3x and you used a latex condom, you may have a latex allergy," says dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban over email. "Solve this by using hydrocortisone cream and by switching contraception methods. You may also have an allergy to lubricant. Switch to an organic, chemical-free lubricant instead."
" Vaginal yeast infections can also occur, causing itching and a cheesy discharge," says Shamban. A yeast infection isn't s3xually transmitted, but it can occur after s3x due to changes in the skin or if your partner is infected.
Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and are soft growths that appear on the genitals, according to healthline.com. "Fewer people these days let their pubic hair grow very long, which means people are more likely to get genital warts because there is more direct skin-to-skin contact due to less hair being in the way," says dermatologist David Lortscher, MD over email. The HPV vaccine Gardasil can help protect you from the most common HPV strains that cause genital warts, along with wearing a condom.
Although s3x can actually help your complexion by improving blood circulation, it can also cause breakouts between the friction, sweat, and other oils. "Sweat alone does not cause acne, but sweat can mix with makeup, bacteria, oils and other impurities on your skin," says RealSelf contributor and dermatologic surgeon Dr. Sejal Shah over email. "If the skin is not cleansed, this mixture can settle into your pores, clogging them and leading to acne." Keeping your skin clean after s3x can help prevent breakouts. If you can't shower, consider using a cleansing wipe instead.
"Herpes can be easily transmitted during s3x, and most often will occur on genitals and oral locations but can occur on other parts of the body," says Papantoniou. "To prevent this, use protection with partners, and optimally have testing for STDs prior."
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
"Allergic contact dermatitis can occur if you are sensitive to cologne or body sprays being used by either partner," says Papantoniou. "This will show up 1-3 days later and will present as an itchy rash in areas of contact." This one can't always be avoided if you're not aware of what your partner is wearing, but it will go away, and hydrocortisone can be applied for relief, according to webmd.com.
Irritant Dermatitis
You can also get skin irritation from the rubbing of short hairs on the body or face. "This happens from friction with short sharp hairs," says Papatoniou. "Either shave closely before contact or allow the hairs to grow longer to prevent irritation."
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